As I returned home and settled into my meditations, the wisdom of things much beyond me came to surface. While I am certain this knowledge exists within all of us, often we are out of touch with the Source. It’s similar to when some people, people who live so deeply and truly, only live for a short time. Because their presence is so close to pure energy, they burn quickly. The closer we get to the heart of matter, the more raw things become.
Source revealed to me the perspectives of the human experience. We experience things through 4 lenses:
1) The Ego
2) The Soul
3) The Brain
4) The Heart
By identifying which lens we are viewing the current experience through, this allows us to better understand all things. The Ego, a lens that is frequently written about, gives us a sense of identity. Most of our suffering stems from untamed whims of the ego. Believing we are more or less important than we are, feeling connected or disconnected from things. Forgetting the communal wholeness and individuality of the Soul. Left unchecked, the ego makes wants and desires central to our existence. While it is okay to have or not have aspirations, an unchecked ego will allow us only to focus on those things which are within arm’s reach. A great blocker and forgetter of our divinity, the ego can be a predictable and dangerous thing.
While each of the lenses serve a purpose, without moderation or awareness, they can hijack our being. The Brain is a necessary and logical gift. It allows us to process and think through things. When we view something through the lens of the brain, we are in our most clear and linear way of thinking. This allows us to make sound, rational decisions. However, when left unchecked, the brain can cause us to overanalyze thus limiting connection with our most free and true selves. This can create a paradox of believing that thinking through all scenarios will lead to the best outcome. The brain is also impacted by trauma. Trauma can cause us to view and react to things in a way we otherwise wouldn’t. Unfortunately, trauma is a learned behavior from past conditions. Trauma impacts our brains, making it very difficult to think clearly.
The Heart allows us to feel deeply and process things through a lens of emotion. When we are in a state of strong feeling, this is the heart coming to surface. A lovely, free flowing and connected thing, the heart holds wisdoms that can only be accessed through a healthy release of emotion. However, not recognizing that a decision or thought pattern is coming from this place can cause us to make decisions we wouldn’t otherwise. Someone who is highly reactive is oftentimes out of alignment with their heart chakra and only viewing things through their heart lens. When aligned properly, the heart is a wonderful and expressive thing!
The Soul. The soul is the most natural and free way to be. It is the truest form of who we are. While hard to define, the soul is the piece of us which is divine and other worldly. Identifying with and viewing things from the Soul is the purest way to be. When we are in a state of alignment, it comes naturally to see things from a place of connectedness and solidarity. While also individualistic, it is a joyous and real place to be.